Mmmmm.....chicken feet.
We've been here a week. The moving van left, many boxes have been unpacked (not all), and we've starting doing some of the necessary things that residents do. The paper arrives each morning. I applied for my nursing license. We've gotten together with family 3 times so far, and it's been fun. It's a lot of people, even when a few don't show up. Two of my siblings and their significant others didn't come to Dim Sum this morning and we still had 12 people. It's so different. 
So the van was here 3 days unloading us. The guys did a great job, not a single thing was broken. I
am missing a knob to the buffet in my dining room, but I can deal with that.
I know I already mentioned the plane trip here in my last entry, but I just have to show a picture of what Gary, our cat, had to stay in for a total of 12 hours on this trip. It's a pretty small box, but it had to be according to airline regs. This is at the Philly airport.
Hurricane Alex made it rain for 4 straight days, but the sun came out today and yes, a trip to the grocery store results in significant sweating. But it's all good. You just surrender to it & smile. It's good for the skin!
I have to mention the one item of weirdness. The people that we bought the house from are going through a very nasty divorce. So bad that that they refused to be in the same room together for the closing. The wife had actually been living in the house (with the 3 kids) and turned over the keys to us, which included an electronic device to open the neighborhood gate (like a garage door opener). Well, it didn't work. (got a separate device from the husband & worked fine.) Ken opened it to find that the dip switches had all been flipped to render it inoperable. Hmmmm. Then when we started moving furniture into the dining room, we disco
vered that the curtains had been soaked in animal urine. At first, we assumed Gary did it, but the volume of urine was just too much for his little kitty bladder. Also, the curtains had a uniform line of the urine, not in a spray pattern. The other thing was that we shut Gary up in the house the day before we actually started moving in, but when we returned to the house the next day we couldn't find him. Finally found him in a drawer, closed, in one of the closets. Hmmmm. Somebody obviously did this, it was intentional, and we think they shut away our cat while it happened. We got the locks changed that night. Here's a pic of the curtains. Draw your own conclusions.
I ate the chicken feet at Dim Sum. Yes, real chicken feet. Probably won't do that again but I'm enjoying the huge variety of restaurants so close to us. We didn't have that in Hunterdon county.
That is too weird for words. But having survived the most gruesome closings ever when we moved into our current house, I know what you are going through, and it will be worth it. We miss you back here.