It's been a jam-packed couple of weeks. It is a lot of work to move somewhere. And let me tell you, I've been spending way too much time just on the issue of driver's licenses. Texas has this fun thing that requires you to make visits at 4 different places to get all that done. First, you see your insurance agent, then get your car inspected (at a mechanic shop, not at a state facility as in NJ), then go to the tax assessor to get your title, then (finally) you go to the DMV and get the license. I am having a hell of a time getting Dani's driver's permit or "GDL" as they call it now (graduated driver's license). Now I know Texas is a big state with a big ego, and I heard that the governor even mentioned secession recently, but last I checked it's still part of the United States of America. Not so when it comes to this GDL business. Texas flat-out doesn't recognize anything Dani has done in NJ -- she has to repeat her expensive driver training (cost me $365) and she has to start the clock all over again for the 6 months that I have to be in the car beside her. The wonderful DMV employee that explained this to me added with a flourish (when we said "but we already did all this in NJ!"), "Guess you should have stayed in New Jersey." As we say in Jersey, no he didn't. But sadly, yes, he really did. And here's the kicker folks: we still don't have it. The DMV wants a piece of paper from her new school saying she's enrolled and today they told us that they won't give it to her until the first day of class.

A few days later, I arrive home right behind the fire truck. Now, that's a scary feeling. When I drive up, the truck is pulling to a stop and I'm watching the firemen (and one firewoman) get out of the truck. My heart is pounding.....are they going to my house? They are. Turns out the yard guys cut a gas line while doing a massive clean-up effort on our neglected yard. It all got fixed that same day, it was actually not a big deal. Just my near-heart attack was a big deal. Here's a pic of Dani that shows off the yard.
So I have my driver's license (too bad Dani), the yard looks great, the pool's been cleaned, and one more good thing...I love my new gym. It's bigger and it has many more toys for me. I did legs today and there are so many machines that I didn't even get to them all because I only had an hour for weights! I'm in heaven. Guess it's not all bad. 
Is that you in that last picture, or a teenager? Regardless of the stress, looks like you are keeping your sense of humor, and your physique! Good for you, Meredith! Go get 'um! BTWay, you should really report that 'customer service agent' to the DMV Supervisor. Unacceptable.