As of Friday, we've been here a month. One of the things we notice here is the view. It's gorgeous. Dani & I went to eat sushi today at a restaurant here in Lakeway that is perched on the side of a cliff. And we took pictures so you can see how much we liked it (the food was good too).
We are living on the edge of the Texas hill country and it sure is pretty. We drive into town along Bee Cave Road a
I always equated Austin with the weather in Baton Rouge, but it's actually quite a bit less humid, which makes it more tolerable. Of course, next month it will start getting over 100 degrees, and it almost never does that in Baton Rouge. I may eat my words. But along with those words I'll be having a frozen Margarita or frosty Corona, so's not all bad.
We've gotten into more of a routine and that's great. I am still job hunting. I am going to force Dani to write an email inviting over the two 11th grade girls that we know of in the neighborhood. General nebulous invitations thru the realtor have failed so far, so it's time for mean momma to step in. She met a cute, nice 10th grade boy (!) during her first volunteer session at the library but we need more than that. Nile is making friends at Taekwondo.
Wednesday I leave for Philly for my annual Cathe Friedrich convention. Yes, I am paying money to work out 3 times a day with my idol. But I'm not the only one - there are 110 of us from all over the country & the Road Trip (as it's called) sold out in about 10 minutes so there is a widespread craziness when it comes to Cathe. I can hardly wait!
Sunday we ate brunch at another old Austin haunt - the Omelettry. First time I ever went there was in 1982 after a really special night...and that's all I'm going to say. Same deja vu experience at Waterloo Records and Amy's Ice Cream. It's weird to be revisiting all these places that I was so intimately familiar with more than 20 years ago. Austin has changed, it's gigantic now, but it's kept some of its character in these places. It's great to be part of it again.