I had my last day at one of my part-time jobs today, at Hagedorn State Psych Hospital. I got the best going-away present yesterday: the state is not going to close the hospital because of the state fiscal crisis. At least, it is delayed until 2012 & a thorough study is done (and who knows what the study will say). Me, along with the entire Hunterdon community, is very happy about that.
Nile still has his computer with WOW working, it's perched on boxes in his room. I am actually alone right now in this big house with just lots of boxes and shrink-wrapped furniture. Both kids are at friends, probably saying tearful goodbyes, Ken is at work as usual, and the movers left early. It's a little weird and quiet (no TV).
I have to say, working out at the gym at 5 am is nice, if you have time for the drive. There's very few people, the music is a little louder than usual, the AC is blasting, and you have your pick of equipment. I do miss my Cathe Friedrich DVDs, though. I will be glad to get back to her in my new house. I have already scoped out two potential gyms in Austin.
I think the really hard part is about to start: flying (never fun any more), hotel & living out of a suitcase, and then moving in. Moving in is harder because it drags on forever. Our movers do provide limited unpacking, but it's just to set up furniture and then open boxes in appropriate rooms & set things on first available space (or leave it in the box if you prefer). You have to actually put things in drawers and on shelves. It can take weeks to do that if you want to (and it never takes just a day or two). We are supposed to move in either Tuesday or Wednesday according to the crew. So it's hotel life from tomorrow night until then (at least 5 days).
I'm really sad today about moving. I guess mostly because of it being my last day at Hag. Hunterdon county is a gorgeous place, we've made a good life here, met wonderful people, and now I'm awfully sad to leave. This is where I started my nursing career. And only one person in the whole county ever called me a "red neck" for coming from Louisiana (& that person really doesn't count since they didn't know me well). Here's pic of me at Hagedorn today. A few tears were shed.

Oh, flying. I had the impression ya'll were driving here. I actually do have a red neck today. get ready it is around 100 degrees here already. -roy