It was basically a day of little work for me - mostly answering questions like, "Are you sure you got everything out of this bathroom that you need? What about that cell phone charger that I see plugged in?" When I woke up last night at 2:00 am and couldn't sleep, I discovered both of my delightful children were still awake. It was nice when the movers arrived at 7:00 and woke them up. But I was kind of regretting the nice dinner and too many drinks I had last night at our friends' house.
Tomorrow I get a new experience, even before they get here: I'll be a super-early gym person. My home workout area has been packed up and is now in boxes, including my raised floor. So I'll see what the gym looks like at 5:00 am when they open. One of the great things about a home gym is not having to get out & drive, but most especially not having people see me at that hour. I will do whatever I have to for my endorphin fix.
We have a special agreement for Nile to keep his computer (World of Warcraft) until the last possible second. Here's a pic of him surrounded by packing boxes but still playing. If he had to just watch TV or --OMG-- read a book for 4 days straight, it would be a disaster. For me.
So I'm pleased that the crating is almost complete (they return for our glass curio cabinet) and that everything is on schedule. Loading will be tough on the movers because our road is so narrow and winding, an 18-wheeler can't go on our street. (So typical Hunterdon county!) They have to stage it with a U-Haul. That should start Wednesday.
Keep on exercisin'... it's no doubt helping you keep your cool. Will get by tomorrow or Wednesday!