And now the 2 days off disappear. As of a week ago, I'm an official provider with one of the big insurance companies. I'm happy about that, although it's a pretty steep discount between my published rates and what they actually pay me. I realize however, that people should be able to use their insurance benefits and I want to be part of that solution. If money was a big concern for me, however, I may not be making this choice. But regardless of what I'm paid, I've finally been there long enough I've seen some patients really do better with my help and that's quite rewarding.
So I have some pretty pictures from Art Erotica from AIDS Services about a month ago. The event was actually disappointing however - for several reasons. Seems like it was just so much smaller-scale than last year. Just not as much entertainment, not as much art, not as many people. We did get to see some fun sexy art, a set of 3 artists demonstrating their craft as a tableau of models posed - that was my fave thing of the night, and do some people-watching. One guy came in with his partner half-nude, on a leash with a tail sticking out of his....yes, really. I should have photographed that, but I didn't have the nerve. The other thing that made the evening less than spectacular was the modification to the venue - it was open-air and we had a weird cold front that evening, so it was windy and rainy. I was cold and was thinking about how I could warm up the whole time. And the last reason, which is a huge drag....I fell off my heels and really hurt my foot. It's still not right, a month later. I can finally walk on the treadmill again and I only missed 2 days of the gym but I was a limping fool for weeks. Thank goodness I could still spin or my brain would've stopped working. And those shoes....they are Anthro red suede heels on a platform, must be at least 4", maybe more. Sob - I can't in good conscience wear them again. Oh the tragedy.

I went to a yoga studio near my office today and it was way fun. They've been in Austin for many years - one of the first places - and it will be a nice option to sneak over there. It's literally less than 5 minutes from my office (I timed it). YogaYoga Austin It's a pretty different crowd, though, I have to say, from the gym. Not to be snarky, but the people at the gym are much fitter and stronger physically. It's funny, I was worried about not being able to really do it "right" since I take classes at a gym regularly, not a studio, but I was able to do all the advanced options that were taught today. Of course, it was not an advanced class so we'll see when I take one of those. But it sure was good for my head. And I need that. I'm starting to feel the effects some days of what I do. Sometimes the things I'm told just stay in my head, particularly when I get to the Trauma section and ask the question, "Has anyone ever hurt you or abused you?" Let me just say, human beings are some twisted creatures. We don't need a devil, he's among us. He is us. And as far as the sexy erotica AIDS thing being bad and wicked? Good grief, I couldn't disagree more. Just keep it safe, folks. Human sexuality is a wonderful thing to behold, in all its variations and themes.
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