I know, I should be studying. But you know how that goes. I suddenly want to do everything else, even clean my house (and domestic does not equal me). I have two days left. I feel pretty fine about it, but not going to skip any prep these last few days.
I've been able to go to yoga almost daily, often with Dani which is a treat, and the routine that Erica is doing now (my fave teacher) starts off with this incredible song, very quiet with these disturbing lyrics about the awful things that can happen but the chorus says "and I cannot be hurt by anything this wicked world has done". That rings in my head long after yoga is over. Sometimes it's difficult to read what I'm studying. I go from a horrific chapter on intimate-partner violence (the new name for wife-beating) to schizophrenia (usually a death-sentence type of diagnosis) to suicide to post-traumatic stress disorder....I could go on and on. This is my profession, to help those who've seen the worst, been through the worst, and together we find a way out and up. My personal image of this has always been the experience of being in a pit - it's dark, you're at the bottom, the top looks so far up, you can't reach it. Now I'm the one with the rope. Anyway, if you're curious, here's a link to that song. Center of the Sun by Conjure One
Dani did not get into UT. Fine, on to ACC. The nice thing is I think I've convinced her to give nursing a chance, and a perfect route into that is ACC. As soon as my boards are over on Tuesday, we'll get busy researching her class schedule, pre-requ.s, etc. She was stung by a scorpion this week. It was midnight and I heard this scream. She was in the kitchen, barefoot, and got stung. We counted, and this is the 7th scorpion we've seen either in the house or porch/pool area since we got here, in 3 years. So yes, we need to wear shoes. All the time. The neat thing was, she did not have leg cramps and terrible pain after the sting. Either he didn't get her good, or he wasn't very venomous. Either way, great.
The kids both had their first day on-the-job last Wednesday. Nile did excellent, working in a hot warehouse all day. He was positive and enthused afterwards. We made the drive together (because I'm overprotective) and I studied at this little library branch in North Austin while he worked. Here's a pic of him after his first day. Oh, and it was his birthday. Monday he drives alone, in his new car. Here's something cool: my brother ordered a shipment of very special furniture from England (a container full); mid-century items in the Danish-modern style, which because of Mad Men is very popular right now. You should see the quality of these things. It was jaw-dropping. These are from the early 1960's and in beautiful shape - even some of the upholstery is still fine. This is a huge gamble for him, it was not cheap, and he luckily had an empty warehouse to store them in (yes, there is that much of it). Some of the pieces are custom, and Roy even knew the names of the furniture makers that had created them. He showed me one of those, a long credenza, that should go for $3000. Anyway, incredible.
And Dani basically got fired from her brand-new babysitting job by text yesterday. The woman said that for financial reasons, she was going to have a relative take over. Who knows if that's true - it seemed like everything was cool - but this woman had been a bit flaky from the beginning. Note to self: the way people behave and treat you at the beginning of a relationship is how they really are. They explain things away, and we want to believe them, but listen to your inner voice.
It's pool season, and it's fantastic. I'm in love with my pool. Perfect timing because I've had to give up running. God, I hate to say that, but my knee pain was becoming worse. It was even hurting in Spin, and that's just a no-go situation because I'm in Spin 6 mornings a week. And I couldn't do full Hindi Squat pose in yoga any more either. So I stopped running completely about 2 weeks ago and finally, finally yesterday it didn't hurt at all. Dani has taught me how to use the rowing machine instead - which actually is hard to do correctly. It's taken me a couple of weeks to get my form down, but yesterday we did it together and I got the thumbs-up from her. It's a super calorie-burner, and an advantage over running is that it uses your full body - upper as well as legs. And as Dani likes to note, it really works the glutes. Man, it hurt to sit down! Bring it on. Next up is rowing on Townlake.
Between rowing and swimming and all this time for yoga, summer could not be better. Hold that thought until Tuesday. Ha!
Oh, one more thing. On Friday at 11:00, I finally meet with the psychiatrist; we didn't do it last week because he's had to work so hard to catch up from his vacation (a good sign - very full practice). I'm going to flat-out ask for the job. I got a call from a headhunter Friday morning about a job up in North Austin at - get this - $150,000. It's a locums thing, but they need a permanent. The headhunter was asking if I could even do it for just a couple months, and depending on what the Doc says on Friday, I may do that. It's a treatment facility which means I don't have to be on the insurance panels just yet -- I can do everything under the psychiatrist's credentials. Which means I could start right after boards. I'm thinking about it.
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