That's another Deathcab lyric (actually it's Postal Service, since I was at that concert this week, but I lump them together). It accurately captures my state of mind but certainly not my actual activities. Ha. People that know me, know that I'm always up early at the gym when there's only a select handful of us regulars and almost all the machines are free. There's no weirdos to come up to you, in your face while you're in the middle of a leg press set, with your earbuds on, and stand there yelling
excuse me until you remove one of them to (
ick) hold a conversation. Which turns out to be some asinine question about the relative advantages of one leg machine versus another. Look buddy, I'm not your free personal trainer. You'd think I hated people, but look folks, I really don't. Just do not interfere with my gym time. I'm not there to socialize. Not one bit. This is exactly what happened to me when I had to be there during regular-person hours recently (oh, the horror). I had this surreal morning the Tuesday after Memorial Day. First, the doofus at my gym is not on time again. This happens a couple times a month, and I have blogged about it before (so no boring rant); I go to Plan B, which is drive to the Gold's on William Cannon. And even though it's a 24 hour place, it's locked up tight too. A woman and I stand there at 4:30 a.m., scratching our heads. Guess they have a doofus that works there too. She said that had never before happened to her, and she's been an early-bird there for years. Know how I got revenge? Oh, I'm so, so evil. Read all about it ( they even care).
Yelp Review
I've been waiting to write this post until I had job news and I got some today. So, yes, folks, I have so much time on my hands that blogging is now something that I have time to do. Ha. I received "the note" from the Doc's office manager that he'd like me to come in for a meeting. I'm pretty sure that it's to discuss the terms of me working in the practice, and I'm ready to make a deal for that. I've done some more checking around, and I'm convinced that this is the best option for me. One of the checks was someone in the know (won't reveal sources) who said in confidence that their plan is to offer me the job. I'm pleased. I feel lucky to have found a private practice job in Austin as a new grad. I'm not going to reveal where I'm working or with whom so that I can continue to talk in my blog about my work, but only in terms that disguise patients completely.
I just read the most disturbing (in a great way) book. It's
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and it's a psychological murder-mystery thriller. With some huge twists in the middle and end of the book that really threw me for a loop. I spent most of the day Monday reading it. I haven't had a can't-put-it-down day like that since I read
Middlesex (another book I'd highly recommend). What an absolute luxury of a day, and in the evening Dani and I went to hot yoga at this little studio that opened just outside our neighborhood.
Anyway, the book paints an excellent picture of a person with borderline personality disorder, I would list it as
chronic, severe, with psychotic features (fixed delusions) if I was writing it as a diagnosis. I am not going to reveal which character has this illness, because it won't be apparent for the first 60% of the book (yes, obviously I have a Kindle if I'm quoting percentages). Really sucked me in, I was completely taken in by this borderline. And the book as a whole is a truly excellent explanation for why clinicians dread working with these patients (in fact, the doc I'll be working with says that we should never have more than 2 borderlines as patients). It's almost impossible to sift through the lies and the truth, mostly because they believe their own lies (that's their version of a fixed delusion). Which is quite sad. And the havoc they wreak on the lives around them, in their desperate attempts to fill their wide, bottomless abyss of neediness is painful to watch. I think of the parents I've met of the frequent-flyer young-adult borderlines that I had as patients at the psych hospital. To a one, they looked tired and sad.
I have done basically nothing since I got back from New York, besides read, eat, and go to lots of yoga class. Well, then there's the Anthro trips with Dani. I found a fantastic black top marked down twice that was only $9.95 yesterday! And I'm not talking about some schlubby loose Splendid top, no it's got these nice little ruched shoulders with 3 tiny set-in buttons. What a find. Made up for the full-price items that I proceeded to buy for Dani.
Nile took another step in his black-belting this week, he had testing Saturday and passed to the next level. He'll get his new belt tonight. It's nice that he gets that before summer kicks off. He is going to work for my brother at his used furniture store, Modern Salvage (
Store Link), driving his new car. We got him a dark blue Prius, at his request. Isn't my son smart? Dani is still looking for a job and still looking to see if UT accepted her for the fall. One of her NYU friends, a guy from L.A. whose dad is some big-time screenwriter, arrives tonight for a visit. I bet he loves Austin, what do you think? I loved it when I was 19. In fact, that's about the age when I first fell for her, from the Congress bridge bats to the ice cream at Udder Delight, to water skiing on Lake Travis, to concerts at Club Foot, to bowling in the UT Union basement and indie movies at Dobie Mall. OK, I better stop.
I guess I have to start studying for this board exam. It's kind of weird, when I get the Authorization To Test (ATT) from the credentialing organization, it better light a fire under me; there sure isn't a fire yet. Maybe this meeting about the job will do the trick. I seem to be waiting for some magic. So snap your fingers, say a little hocus-pocus for me (thx).
Here's a few pics of the summer fun.
ETA: Thanks for the chant! It worked! I got my ATT in my email this afternoon and scheduled my test for the 18th. Two weeks is enough to study for the most important test of my life, right?
Postal Service concert |
Lakeway trails |
Black belt time