Dani and I spent Thanksgiving week in NYC and Jersey having a grand old time. We first saw my sister Holly, who lives in Hoboken. And boy, we did it right. One of the first things we did was go to the Rice Pudding shop on her street - yes, that is all they sell. 12 flavors. I got Mocha Canolli. Holly took me to dinner at Palma, a wonderful Italian restaurant in the West Village. http://www.palmanyc.com/ The artichoke appetizer was one of the best things I've ever eaten. The next day, we spent the whole thing in the city. We shopped along Fifth Avenue, went to Rockefeller Center, and went to the Museum of Modern Art -- incredible; 5 floors of stuff that you've seen pictures of in books your whole life. Here's a picture of my favorite exhibit; it's a mobile that looks like a cloud of stars. Gorgeous. It's cool that they have some exhibits where they encourage photographs; this is one.
The Anthro store is to die for; I bought some great new clothes and shoes of course. The next day we went to the Macy's parade. Holly actually purchased grandstand seat tickets for us. Macy's gives them out free to special customers/vendors/friends but there is a hot secondary market for them. So get this: she paid $250 for each ticket. Really. And she bought 4 of them, and resold one the next day for $340. So hey, guess she got a deal. We were sitting along an aisle with a wall behind the seats that backs to Central Park. Shortly after the parade started, people started trying to come over the wall...without tickets, obviously....and stand in front of us. You should've seen my little sister! She gets right in this mook's face, telling him that he doesn't have a ticket and he's not going to ruin her parade! He has the nerve to call her a bitch and Holly has to fetch New York's finest over to tell him to get his butt back over the wall. And all those New York men just sat there. Would've been a little different in Texas, I think. No Texas man would sit still while a guy talked to a lady like that. Anyway, here's a couple of parade pics. It was very cool to be right there; not sure it was worth the money.
That evening we went to the Peewee Herman show on Broadway. OMG, it was just amazing. Some of the original cast was in the show, like Miss Yvonne and Jambi. I laughed so hard I cried. The funniest running joke through the whole show was Peewee's abstinence ring - you know, like the Jonas Brothers wear - which he threw out to the audience when we gave him a standing ovation. Guess he doesn't need it any more. HA.
Holly and her new husband Ryan (well, married a year...that's new to me) cooked us Thanksgiving dinner and that evening we drove to Jersey. "Home" as Dani kept calling it (made me a little teary the way she said that).
I stayed with Jackie, who is a fantastic cook and make me scrumptious curried scallops. I drank way too much white wine and had to trot off to bed when I couldn't keep my eyes open. Dani stayed with her BFF Idil. Here's a pic of them together - inseparable - they Skype each other every single night - it's that teenage girl thing.
Jersey was absolutely fabulous. Dani hung with Idil & they went to downtown Clinton, their favorite hangout. I went back to my old gym - love it! - Hunterdon Health & Fitness Center on Hwy 31. I actually did 4 classes back-to-back on Saturday morning. Yoga, Kickbox, BodyPump, then Zumba. It was a great morning, let me tell you. And I got to see Christy, my best work friend from 3 West at Hunterdon Medical Center. Her little toddler daughter, Ryleigh, is too, too cute. Here's a picture. And one of Jackie, cooking dinner for me (yes, that's asparagus, one of my favorite things). And Holly & me on the subway, just for fun.
It snowed in Jersey the day we arrived but had melted off by the time we got there. Too bad. Dani really misses the snow. I do too, because no snow = no ski. Oh well, we're going to New Mexico for a Xmas ski trip. But somehow it's not the same as skiing every Friday night at Camelback, Pennsylvania. Talk about fun.
Of course, our flight back to Texas was snarled. Let me just say this: I will never, never, never fly on United/Continental again. I will fly Southwest even if it costs more and is more inconvenient. That's all I'm saying.
Hoboken, by the way, is pretty neat. We spent time along the waterfront, and I'll close with a few pictures from that. Can't wait to go back....when is Spring Break?
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