Thursday, September 16, 2010

Zilker Botanical Gardens

The Zilker Botanical Gardens in Austin are gorgeous ("gorg" as Dani would say). And it's free this time of year. The recent rains have made all the plantings lush and colorful. Just watch out for the mosquitoes - they are vicious. In fact, they drove me away early from my picture-taking. But here's some looks at how lovely it truly is.

So, if you need an activity, go to the gardens. Check out the info at The best time to go is early in the day, it's cooler and not as crowded and no parking hassles. Austin is full of little gems like this, another planned activity (soon to be seen here) is a tour of the local museums. Tours of all the Anthro stores (there are 2!) has already happened of course, no pictures needed. Well, I could show pics of all the clothes I've bought, but you probably don't need that.

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