Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pool Party

We had a great pool party with our friends, Jeff & Therese DeMouy and Robert, Laura, and Thomas.

The weather was perfect for it, and we had barbecue from County Line to enjoy. The splash attack was in full swing with six kids to take part (I guess the teenagers still count as "kids").

The night before, Nile and I joined them at Dart Bowl for a little bowling party. This is a great Austin place, it's got a serious 1970's bowling alley atmosphere going on. We'll definitely be going back, especially since Nile really enjoyed it. It helped that they had sour skittles in the vending machine.

Ken came down from Houston for the party and was able to seamlessly work from home on Friday. Hopefully he'll be able to start doing this once a week and have a regular 4-day week in Houston. Things are looking good for that.

Nile has his "dog camp" interview next week. They will try to pair him with a dog where their personalities mesh well. And today, Dani and Idil left for New Jersey and for their summer program at Columbia University. It feels a little strange to send your child off for 5 weeks but we did it without tears. I'm working every day this week, so that'll keep my mind off her. (She's fine this week, she's back in Clinton with Idil. It's next week when I'll start to worry, as that's when they'll be at Columbia.)

I'm down to just working on my personal statement for graduate school. Oh, it's so much fun. I think I'd rather have my toenails ripped out with pliers, and that would truly bug me because - wow - talk about ruining a pedicure. Ha.

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